Mayor Jeroen Staatsen leave Voorschoten. Text | Asheba Nikijuluw

Voorschoten - In a press release: The Honourable Mayor of Voorschoten has announced that he is  leaving  Voorschoten per September 1st 2016. He has already accepted the appointment to be  Mayor of Zevenaar, a city in the East of The Netherlands.

Jeroen Staatsen has been a vital Mayor of Voorschoten for 10 years. He is leaving Voorschoten with mixed feelings, as Voorschoten was close to his heart.

In a letter to the council, he said that it was a privilege to work with a council,  of high standard, mutual respect and focus of the interest of Voorschoten in all aspects. He was quoted to say
"I will miss the warmth and the close involvement with our inhabitants, associations and organisations. Leaving Voorschoten is emotional and it hurts to leave a powerful, dynamic, committed and green Voorschoten, one of the top municipality in which I am deeply attached to."

The King's Commissioner will soon propose a new candidate. This is yet to be announced.

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