Voorschoten - You are all warmly invited to the next 'Messy Church', on Saturday afternoon 2 July starting at 4pm, finishing no later than 5.30pm.

Messy Church includes a lot of crafts, games, food and drinks, singing and a bible story. It is most suitable for families with children ages 0-12. It's a great way to introduce little ones to the bible stories (this time: the story of Abraham & Sarah) and songs, in a fun and creative way (with Dutch translation)

Location: 'Ontmoeting' Church, Jan Evertsenlaan 2 in Voorschoten (same building as the health centre).

Messy Church is organised by St. James' Church , Voorschoten (www.stjames.nl). For more info email: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.


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